Mika Paajanen
Project Coordinator, WP9 Management

Teuvo Uusitalo
WP8 Work Package Leader

Jarno Makinen
WP3 leader and WP2 Pilot 2b responsible

Antero Laitinen
WP3 member, Pilot 3b responsible

Pirkka Ollonqvist
WP3 member, Pilot 3a responsible

Riitta Kuusisto
Financial manager
KU Leuven

Koen Binnemans
WP2,3 member

Peter Tom Jones
WP8 member

Lieven Machiels
Science & Technology coordinator

Lucian Alexandru Onisei
Communication Manager

Andrea Di Maria
WP6 Work Package Leader

Ana Laura Raymundo Pavan
WP6 member

Isadora Reis Rodrigues
WP2 member

Clio Deferm
WP2 member, pilot 2b responsible

Brecht Dewulf
WP3, pilot 3b responsible

Karel Van Acker
WP6 Work Package Leader

Giorgian Dinu
IT Manager
Koen Binnemans
WP2,3 member

Lieven Machiels
Science & Technology coordinator
Dr. Lieven Machiels is a Research Manager in the SOLVOMET group within the SIM² KU Leuven Institute. He has a PhD in Geology, worked 6 year as a Post-doctoral Fellow in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering and is now working as a Research Manager in the SOLVOMET group at the KU Leuven Department of Chemistry. He is a passionate researcher, with a research focus on sustainable development in the raw materials sector, among which is the mining, metallurgical and cement and building materials sector. Central in his research is "near-zero-waste metallurgy", i.e. closing material loops in the mining & metallurgical sector through enhancing metal recovery, concentrating hazardous components and valorisation of mineral by-products in metallurgical processes. Apart from research in Flanders and the E.U., he is very active in the research on sustainable solutions for the mining and metallurgical sector in Latin America. Within the SOLVOMET group, emphasis is on the use of organic molecules in metallurgy, or the so-called solvometallurgy. The mission of the SOLVOMET Industrial Service Centre is to support its industrial and RTD partners in the conceptual and practical development of more sustainable solvometallurgical and hydrometallurgical extraction processes, using in-house state-of-the-art lab-scale and (mini)-pilot-scale experimental facilities.
Karel Van Acker
WP6 Work Package Leader


Anders Sand
WP2 leader, pilot 2a responsible

Mohammad Khoshkhoo
WP2 member
Finnish Minerals Group

Jani Kiuru
WP3 member

Andreas Hoppe
WP4 leader, pilot 4a responsible

Jost Lemke
WP4 leader, pilot4a responsible

Thomas Lapauw
WP4 member, pilot 4c responsible

Wouter Crijns
WP4 member, pilot 4c responsible

Anne-Gwenaelle Guezennec
WP1 Work Package Leader, pilot 1b responsible

Jerome Jacob
WP1 member

Jari Kunnila
WP3 member, pilot 3c responsible
Jacobs Beton

Kurt Jacobs
WP4 member, pilot 4c responsible

Alexandra-Georgiana Vătui
WP2 member

Măcărescu Ionuţ
WP2 member

Alberto Vazquez Ruiz
WP6 & 8 member
University of Exeter

Carmen Falagán-Rodríguez
WP1 member

Bernd Teigler
WP5 & 6 member