On October 13-14, the month-30 consortium meeting once again took place behind our computer screens replacing a physical meeting planned in Sweden, home to our partner Boliden. Despite the restrictions imposed by the covid-19 pandemic, and the limited work at some places, most of the NEMO pilots are well on track.
Day one kicked off with discussions within the different work packages held in parallel, providing an update on the experimental and piloting work of NEMO partners. In the light of the current situation, the next steps were carefully planned and possible obstacles were addressed. In a plenary session, an Work this further out update on engineering (WP5) and the sustainability assessment (WP6) was presented.
During the second day, the communication and dissemination meeting gave us a sneak peak of the new NEMO video, now available online! Please give a check here: https://h2020-nemo.eu/2020/10/19/recycling-mining-waste-a-new-business-eu-nemo-project-video/ .
Day-two was concluded in the afternoon, with an overview on the progress and challenges in all of the NEMO work packages. Main conclusion: good progress has been made during the past six months, yet some challenges still remain ahead. We are curious what the next six months will bring!